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  • Friday, June 30, 2006

    England will never win the World Cup

    Once in a while my readers love to send me jokes on e-mail and sometimes I find some of them are just too good not to share.

    This one was sent to me by Audrey... telling me why England will never win the 2006 World Cup

    (though I think they will at least beat Portugal since Portugal had two good players red carded last game).

    Check out the fans that each country sends to Germany to support their football teams.

    Here's Sweden

    Here's Portugal

    Here's Brazil (HUBBA HUBBA)

    Here's Holland (which I thought really didn't deserve to lose to Portugal)

    Here's Australia (not exactly as hot as the rest but at least she drinks beer)

    Here's Poland

    Here's Paraguay

    Here's Italy... MUAKS TO U TOO BABY

    And here's England.Yes... for those of you who just got blinded by this picture... I'm so sorry.

    Relax... I don't think he's wearing a bikini... he's just wearing a really really tight shirt.

    Right? Right?


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