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  • Sunday, May 07, 2006

    Internet + Literacy = pleasure

    But for who??

    Who doesn't agree that South Korea is the leader in broadband penetration? Well not only that, I did a little research on CIA World Factbook and also found out that it has a literacy rate of 97.9%, not great, but compared to 88.7% of Malaysia, that is DAMN GOOD.

    So what's the big deal you ask?

    Hmm....... high literacy rate coupled with high broadband penetration isn't a very nice sight.

    Let us try running a simulation to see how things might go wrong:


    Boss Stewie

    Elisa(some random guy)

    This runs in some internet chat room, say the name of the room is cybersex.

    Stewie: Hi there, fancy a chat?

    Elisa: hi, sure why not?

    Stewie: So where are you from?

    Elisa: Oh somewhere in the US, I might not be comfortable to tell you where I'm from

    ............... after some small chat..........

    Stewie: So are you into this?

    Elisa: into what?

    Stewie: Cybersex of coz....... why do you think I come in here for?

    Elisa: same here, you're the 50th person today to have a go on me.

    Stewie: I'm honoured......

    Now you see where this might go wrong?

    What if Elisa is...............





    And that he's happily wanking off with his Toilet Paper Roll.
    What a fugly sight.

    It may not be that bad right?

    It might just be that this old man so happens to be surfing the same porn site that you frequent all so often. He will still be wanking off, but not at the thought of you.

    Luck may not be that bad for my boss as usual. He usually gets to strike a chat with just any lady of any age. Yea, natural charmer la....... know la....... playboy la...... Come to think of it, chances that you would land on an old guy who can type as fast as you wank is so tiny.

    It could turn out to be some really nice girl, at the other end of the world, caressing herself while getting turned on by Stewie.

    Right Stewie??? Her body must be like devilish like......

    Ahh...... just fantasizing that alone makes me almost cum(kidding i last quite long).

    End of post, funny? EH BOSS LEPTON WROTE THIS OK???














    tsk tsk tsk..........


    ...............shhhhhh........ quiet................






    p.s. eh boss.......



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