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  • Friday, April 28, 2006


    I got bored of studying today so I put on my ranger hat and started exploring the internet once again for something interesting.

    And yep... soon enough I found Helpmegetsex.com

    Similar to Leng Mou?, it started off as a result of a bet between two friends.

    But instead of betting on roast ducks, they're betting on sex.

    It all started off with this one guy (Jamie) who is best of friends a this girl he has/had always wanted to shag (Carla). The story goes:

    "A group of us were out drinking last week and we got pissed, and I mean wasted... Carla and I have always flirted (and I've always had a crush on her), but she always had a boyfriend.

    Anyway, the other night she came out and we were drinking, and she said she was single, having just broken up from her boyfriend. I thought that this was my chance to finally get her into bed.

    As we got more drunk I got more confident. I'd put away some strong, and I mean STRONG cocktails. And in the end I just blurted out, (no doubt slurring and spitting) 'Carla, I really wanna have sex with you'

    But Carla blew him off

    "She looked surprised and said, 'Jamie [I hate it when she calls me that], I wanna stay single for a while.' "

    Now when a girl tells you that. SHE DOES NOT WANT TO SLEEP WITH YOU.

    And no its not because you she likes you too much as a friend or that she doesn't want to 'ruin your friendship'!

    It's because you're ugly, fat and poor like Boss Stewie

    and she would rather have someone handsome, rich and fit like Boss Lepton.

    ***pic removed because Boss Lepton's gf complain she looks too fat***

    Anyway, after that Carla reconsidered

    Jamie [thank God she called me that, she wasn't mad], I'll tell you what, you prove how much you want me and then you can have me.'

    After a little bit of thought they finally came up with an idea

    And so from there we spent an hour discussing the basis of an arrangement that would ultimately result in me getting laid.

    The only good idea we came up with was a website... What's the purpose? If I can put enough effort in to get a certain number of people to visit the site, then I am worthy. And the number of hits they agreed on was twenty-five million hits in one year.

    That's 25,000,000 hits in ONE YEAR.

    But what does everyone get in return for helping him out?

    Clara apparently agreed to let Jamie put up a topless picture of her on the website if he got to sleep with her.

    Now the shocking thing about his blog is that it started on the 18th of April and his visits have been increasing EXPONENTIALLY by the DAY.

    Yesterday alone he got over 87,000 UNIQUE VISITS IN ONE DAY and that is a blog that has ALMOST NOTHING in it (plus when I took the stats Thursday hasn't even ended yet for him).


    Also, if you look around his stats you would notice that NONE of his visits come from search engines!

    Of course, there is a good chance that this 'blog' is just a scam for him to generate hits and earn money from advertisements and that there is no Clara and pictures of the supposedly 'Clara' are just knicked off some website somewhere. But lets assume he's not pulling our legs. The question is, would a girl really do that?

    I for one wouldn't know, so lets have our female Leng Mou readers answer this question for us shall we?

    The question is...

    If a guy friend of yours asks if you would sleep with him if he made for you a website that received 25,000,000 visits in one year.

    Would you say yes or no?

    Vote in the little box on the right side of the screen.

    Remember guys, this vote is only for the ladies.
    But while you guys are waiting, get yourselves ready to register the domain TolongSayaDapatkanSeks.com in case 100% of the girls vote YES.

    If you want to check out the site click here --> BEH PAI SEH.

    But if you find his site DISRESPECTFUL to women (which I can fully understand why), then don't.


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