What is Proton HIGH on this this time?
Sometime next month, the mighty Proton Chancellor is going to be launched.Now lets take a good look at the piece of shit. (I was THIS close to posting a picture of a piece of shit so that you can compare the shit to the Chancellor and spot the similiarities... but I thought I've already disgusted enough readers this month).

Yes... it IS a STRECHED PROTON WAJA! What the fark is it with Proton trying to stretch their BUDGET cars and call them LUXURY cars? We don't see Perodua stretching their Kancils and calling them Perodua Kancil Executive do we?
But what really got me choking on my rice was when I found out that the Chancellor is built to target the market of "high-ranking Government officers, corporate heads and senior executives." Just listening to that statement made me very very much dumber.
I can see it right now: The wealthy corporate heads and senior executives are going to burn their Bentleys, BMWs and Mercs to make space for a PROTON CHANCELLOR in their garage.
And when I return to Malaysia, I'm going to beg my daddy to buy me a Proton Chancellor. When he does, I'm gonna drive it out and show it off to my friends. I bet my London flatmate who drives a BMW 7 Series in KL would look at it and say:
And I bet the girls on the street would turn their heads when I drive past them and think "Ooh... A Proton Chancellor... so so sexy... I would LURRRVEE to DO the driver."
The good news for us is that the design of the car is only half the laugh. The real joke comes in the marketing campaign.
My mind flashbacks to a few months ago during summer. Back then, it probably was a good idea to start a marketing campaign aiming to convince the public that Proton cars are safer than people think. But the candidate that Proton picked made it look like they were eating fried cow shit when they thought up the marketing plan.

Lets be honest here. Your parents must have dropped you really hard on the head when you were young for you to think that this small little piece of shit car is indeed SAFE!
I wait eagerly to see how they would market the Chancellor. What could they possibly come up with now?
Proton Chancellor... PIMP MOBIL... ???
Proton Chancellor... FOR THE MAN IN YOU???
Either ways.. we are in for a goood Christmas.
Sometimes I think of Proton as an expensive form of entertainment. We all pay to subsidise it so we can all laugh and make fun of it whenever they come up with something stupid (which is pretty often). LONG LIVE PROTON !!!! LONG LIVE PROTON !!!
Boss Stewie, at November 28, 2005 9:16 AM
Anonymous, at November 28, 2005 9:20 AM
You must understand, Proton HAD to launch the 'erect' waja, cuz they spent too much money on magic dragons for their car designers and got too high and started harassing chinese girls and malaysian transvestites, just like our cops ^^
oh yah, FYI, savvy not malaysian designed, it was outsourced to LG Design
William, at November 28, 2005 11:31 PM
zw.. relax brotherrr
hmm.. thanks for the heads up.. i think savvy design sux.. but anyway, i wasn't complaining about the savvy design.. i was laughing at their marketing campaign...
Boss Stewie, at November 29, 2005 2:21 AM
hmm.. very very odd.. i really expected this post to be a mou but it seems like everyone loves it.. hmmm
Boss Stewie, at November 29, 2005 3:23 AM
their marketing campaign really is useful
it linked the campaign with the product with a sole similiarity (a comic)
William, at November 29, 2005 8:34 AM
good point william
Boss Stewie, at November 29, 2005 9:53 AM
so leng the proton chancellor i also salivate thinking about it....
You're right...its like TV license, subsidize it for them to come up with the next bright idea of a sucky car made out of milo tins
sourrain, at May 12, 2006 10:59 PM
I'm a 19 year old Malaysian, been away in Aussie 4 a few years...thx mum 4 the tight budget!!! (yeah, i spent all my money on a Mazda-3, custom pc n saving for ps3 etc.) but anyway...as un-surprised that I am about this rather disturbing development...i really gotta say that this is fully sick!!! Like, c'mon mate!! W...T...F r youse doin?!?! Like the Waja n Savvy wasn't sick enough...n by god i gotta tell ya...my friend - 18, not very rich, recently his parents bought him a Proton Savvy (they thought it'd make a nice gift 4 his birthday)...mana tau, end up my friend having to swear "diu nya sing!!!" n perhaps release the occasional kick everytime he looks at the car...hoping that the kick won't break the car's suspension lol I mean, its pretty full on...just look at da darn thing; i reckon i'd get a Perodua anytime than a Savvy. Why? Just two days after my fren got his car, n u know how diu nya sing m'sia has suddenly become, my fren was cruisin along happily n adjusting the aircond fins when the whole unit fell into the aircond itself n his engine starting clammering or something n he stopped the car at the side n had a panic attack n called AIM or wtv its called (da guys who help drivers in m'sia) LOL TWO DAYS...! Christ...new car oso like bloody tin can!! N my frens here r like driving 80's junks in perfect non-poping condition...Proton...pleeeaaassseee larrrrr...bring up u're game man...i knowlah u use semen 4 glue des y evrithing oso bloody break apart like nobody's business...mercs bang proton oso proton split in 2 n mercs oni get a sratch or bump...quite a proof of the ingenuity n engineering skills of our feckless malays...seems nothing's changed since 4 years ago...sad sad...
Anonymous, at July 08, 2006 1:24 AM
Best regards from NY!
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