Boss Lepton admits defeat
Yes I admit defeat. If you actually look at the record it shows that 85% of the posts are Boss Stewie's and I have to say that they are actually pretty funny. It's pretty hard to control myself, unless I'm feeling downright depressed.
So here we go, on the way to 4 seasons, again.
(BTW if any of you guys don't realise this already, it's Stewie's 4th day in a row to 4 seasons with last night being his record breaking night, 1.25 ducks per person, what a guy)
Let's all take a silent moment to pray for our beloved Boss Stewie.

It's tough to swallow a pill like that. But damn I have to admit defeat, he's better at making people laugh, although I laugh harder than him.
So here you go Stewie, sigh.......
Considering that I've been waiting months just to come all the way to London to eat my favourite duck, passing that one whole roast duck to Boss Stewie was painful.
While I was passing the duck to the fat fuk, I was quietly thinking to myself
But then again, deep down, you know that I'm really thinking.......

So it wasn't going to be a duck day for me like it was for my boss yesterday. We had tofu, some vege and a huge bowl of soup for us courtesy of the waiters in 4 seasons. Yup soup was free and free every time Boss Stewie goes there.
I've even thought of forming the "Four Seasons Duck Eating Fan Club".
Pre-req for joining: must prove that you can eat 1 whole duck by yourself.
Yes, 1 freaking duck.
We had a great time as usual in four seasons.
Zhon Wei and Tock had a great time snatching each other's food.
The next time you go to Four Seasons, be sure to spot this young waiter by the name of Ah Fai. He's a dear friend of Boss Stewie's and especially Boss Stewie's baby's.
And finally for a group photo :D
Sigh, my boss is going to achieve another feat by going to Four Season's for a fifth time in a week for a meeting with one of our fellow readers(8 of them), Otto.
Before we go, meet Boss Stewie's latest addition to his friends list in friendster:
Ok here comes the answer on whether we are going to continue Leng Mou or not.
Boss Stewie and I have been thinking hard and after a lot of persuasion from many of you, we just thought that it wouldn't be right to just leave stop right here and right now just after 6 months.
Boss Stewie and I thought about starting our own blogs which are going to be a bit more personal because writing intentionally funny post sometimes can take its toll on us. Quite often there just isn't much inspiration to write funny posts.
But in spite of all that, we both acknowledged that we will miss all of you very much if we just stop now, so we're going to keep blogging as long as you guys and girls will be here to read it.
Of course sooner or later when Boss Stewie and I are busy chasing the money in life, it is inevitable that Leng Mou will come to an end but we'll try to give you guys an early warning.
So for now... Leng Mou will stick around... :P
Boss Stewie, at June 01, 2006 8:40 AM
omg- zhon, thats how u cured post maths exam trauma! u sure ducks are that great ah------ sometimes i think its a little overrated. in my first year,couldn't stop thinking about it. but now.... for some reason, a bit repulsed by the grease...hmmm.
angelicgirl98, at June 01, 2006 8:54 AM
Woohoo!!! LengMou is here to stay!
Ianfluenza, at June 01, 2006 8:55 AM
yuen ai: oi dun zhat my beloved duck, sniff sniff, not a lot of chance for me to come all the way to london from warwick to eat my duck ok?????
They have lots of ducks there but the queen would behead me if i killed n eat any of them
Wilson J Q Quah, at June 01, 2006 9:40 AM
yay!!!! now this is LENG!!!.. :)
Kiss my ass, at June 01, 2006 9:52 AM
LOL to stewie's comment..
*pops open a bottle of champagne and offers it all round*
Nie, at June 01, 2006 10:10 AM
Now the problem is to keep up with demands and more demands >)
§pinzer, at June 01, 2006 10:35 AM
Thats the way boss!!!hehe...if not you would have taken away my source of entertainment!!looking forward to more posts!(but i guess it will based more on malaysia then:P)hehe...
yea yuen ai!! i went to destress!!! ahha!!!
heheh.... eh boss, shit la 3 ducks not enough la...haha!!! should have ordered more!!!wahahahah!!! then all of us got high blood pressure, high cholesterol, high uric acid...hahah!!! all bcos of 4 seasons ducks!!!hahah!!!
Anonymous, at June 01, 2006 10:40 AM
boss stewie..nola...boss lepton put all the pics 2 make u scare so u dun eat ducks anymore 4 ur health ma...dun angry la...
btw, i like ah fai 2...
Anonymous, at June 01, 2006 11:16 AM
4 straight days eating 4 season, your guys punya pocket doesn't burst kah?
Anonymous, at June 01, 2006 12:20 PM
YES!!! LENG LENG LENG! Lengmou will still be around! Yahooo!!
Anonymous, at June 01, 2006 12:56 PM
have a feeling both bosses r not in the same uni
Anonymous, at June 01, 2006 3:48 PM
invisible... we're not in the same uni
i study in london but lepton the fat fuk studies in warwick
thanks for the encouragement guys
Boss Stewie, at June 01, 2006 5:24 PM
Stewie... from the last picture u look like ur building up a 2nd chin.... haaar ????
Anonymous, at June 01, 2006 6:34 PM
he is building up a 2nd chin
he's the fat fuk now
hahahahha ducks for 3 days
Wilson J Q Quah, at June 01, 2006 6:44 PM
errr... warwick is near london? lepton u working in the uk ald?
Anonymous, at June 01, 2006 8:58 PM
yahoooo!!! i still got to read leng mou!!!
Wingz, at June 01, 2006 9:11 PM
glad to hear that u guys will continue with this blog :D
keep up the good work
rootified, at June 01, 2006 10:40 PM
Absolutely LENG....
Anonymous, at June 01, 2006 11:05 PM
eh heh......nice....
wont be missing my daily dose of laughs then ;)
men, at June 02, 2006 4:26 AM
Late comment.
Yay, more brainfarts!
Anonymous, at June 02, 2006 12:06 PM
The Ah Fai looks like the fella from Sepet. Jason is it.?
Kelly, at June 02, 2006 12:14 PM
LOL aiyoh, can't believe I took SO long to come upon this gem of a blog. been seeing ur pings on PPS since god knows when..and sorry yeah, shouldn't judge a blog by its title. I thought it was the name of some chinese speaking dude(Leng Mou). hahahaha
Damn it man, all the cock and shit story. Can just smell it all the way from malaysia. u know like the semens and the shit ones.. *shakes head*
Been damn long since I laughed so much at a blog. :D keep it up ya!!
Anonymous, at June 04, 2006 1:49 PM
wei boss lepton looks cuter la now!!!! *drool drool* :P i remember him looking not as hot...
gonna miss u guys...oh no wait ur not going to stop ur blog...good luck to boss stewie..!
StephM, at June 05, 2006 12:57 AM
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