The End is Near
Good news everyone. Leng Mou is finally coming to an end.
Boss Lepton has confirmed that he will be coming down to London on the 31st of May and he will be buying me my roast duck at the Four Seasons Restaurant in London (which was the whole reason why Leng Mou was started in the first place).
The score is Boss Lepton with 10 lengs and Boss Stewie with 13 (although it wasn't exactly very fair because I blogged much more often than Boss Lepton).
So our final blog entry on Leng Mou will be on the 1st of June 2006 which is slightly less than a week from now.
After that Leng Mou will no longer be updated.
A few people have come up to us to tell us that we should continue blogging and that we could one day be "huge blogging personalities" like Kennysia or Xiaxue but the truth is that neither of us want any of that.
We started Leng Mou for fun and it has always been all about the fun and not about the number of hits or the traffic we get.
Believe it or not, the one thing that has kept me blogging all this is all of you guys out there and all the hilarious comments that make me roll of the floor laughing.
Sometimes I think you guys make me laugh more than I can possibly return the favour (no matter how hard I try).
I will miss all of you when all this is over.
We're not the funny ones in this blog... you guys are (and by guys I also mean... girls).

I wake up every morning eager to see what comments that each one of you write. Though I can't possibly reply every single one of them, rest assured that I do read every one of them.
In the mean time, we would just like to take this early opportunity to thank all of you for your company here. It is still beyond belief that Leng Mou which started just for personal fun between Boss Lepton and I grew to have so many visitors (8 to be exact) in just 6 months.
We have all of you to thank for that!
Since this is our last week, we shall try our best to update Leng Mou as much as possible in the next few days.
Boss Lepton has confirmed that he will be coming down to London on the 31st of May and he will be buying me my roast duck at the Four Seasons Restaurant in London (which was the whole reason why Leng Mou was started in the first place).
The score is Boss Lepton with 10 lengs and Boss Stewie with 13 (although it wasn't exactly very fair because I blogged much more often than Boss Lepton).

So our final blog entry on Leng Mou will be on the 1st of June 2006 which is slightly less than a week from now.
After that Leng Mou will no longer be updated.
A few people have come up to us to tell us that we should continue blogging and that we could one day be "huge blogging personalities" like Kennysia or Xiaxue but the truth is that neither of us want any of that.
We started Leng Mou for fun and it has always been all about the fun and not about the number of hits or the traffic we get.
Believe it or not, the one thing that has kept me blogging all this is all of you guys out there and all the hilarious comments that make me roll of the floor laughing.
Sometimes I think you guys make me laugh more than I can possibly return the favour (no matter how hard I try).
I will miss all of you when all this is over.
We're not the funny ones in this blog... you guys are (and by guys I also mean... girls).

I wake up every morning eager to see what comments that each one of you write. Though I can't possibly reply every single one of them, rest assured that I do read every one of them.
In the mean time, we would just like to take this early opportunity to thank all of you for your company here. It is still beyond belief that Leng Mou which started just for personal fun between Boss Lepton and I grew to have so many visitors (8 to be exact) in just 6 months.
We have all of you to thank for that!
Since this is our last week, we shall try our best to update Leng Mou as much as possible in the next few days.
yeah :(
ill miss stewie and lepton :(
leng ~
*sad post*
*bluey grabs a tissue*
Nie, at May 26, 2006 8:23 AM
Hey guys...why??
Keep on blogging boss!
Anonymous, at May 26, 2006 8:57 AM
It's quite disappointing to hear both bosses are not blogging anymore at LengMou. I have enjoyed so much reading your blog, although I have never commented but I do enjoy reading every single post you guys posted. It's amusing and of course entertaining to all of us.
I do hope both of you will start blogging individually at your own time and pace.
Anonymous, at May 26, 2006 9:26 AM
oik boss, how can u say something so irresponsible like this..
disappointed.. !!!
Hate u ...
How about start another one for other objective? hehe
be sure u tell me!
Cely, at May 26, 2006 9:37 AM
I think both you guys have a darn good sense of humour :) It's been enjoyable reading your postings :)
Anonymous, at May 26, 2006 9:43 AM
aiseh....that just goes to show that good things dont last long ;)
Enjoy the roast duck ;)
p/s: hmmmmmm......dont know wut to do after this leh...............
men, at May 26, 2006 9:49 AM
Its a shame, but oh well...
Enjoyed reading all your posts and its always good to quit while you're ahead.
The so-called 'blog personalities', tend to get a little too big for their socks and at times I feel like they're trying just a LITTLE too hard.
Anonymous, at May 26, 2006 10:21 AM
:(..will miss u guys definitely..When r u guys coming back to msia?? Bakuteh with lotsaaaaa Fu Zuk on our bill :D
Unknown, at May 26, 2006 11:53 AM
This can't be happening. Gone another entertainment source. NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!! T_T >_<"
I hope the blog still around though. For future generations.
Anonymous, at May 26, 2006 12:16 PM
Every morning wake up you check comments? I check Leng Mou! :P
Sigh... my turn to sniff sniff*
I will definitely miss you guys a lot! Keep in touch with me k!
こうゆうけん, at May 26, 2006 1:02 PM
Awww too bad. I just found 'LENGMOU' about 2 wks ago and had been enjoying reading them..rolling many times on the floor ;). Good Work and Thank You!
Do inform us if anyone of you two decided to start another blog. We'll be sure to pester you.
Anonymous, at May 26, 2006 1:05 PM
Wot!!! I've just started reading your blog and so soon it'll be GONE????
Yikes! I'm sure gonna miss those funny stuffs you guys write to entertain each other and of course make me laugh out loud all the time..
Well done and I will certainly pray hard that you two will decide to get a personal blog of your own. I'll definitely visit..
Christinesy, at May 26, 2006 1:57 PM
No.. i dont believe that 2 of u will quit blogging.. For sure... want to bet a roast duck for that?
Anonymous, at May 26, 2006 1:59 PM
don't stop!! If you do, I'll have one less funny moment everyday!
electronicfly, at May 26, 2006 2:48 PM
hahahaha awww guys.... now you're all just making me feel bad
let us think about it...
Boss Stewie, at May 26, 2006 4:08 PM
One of you look like the new make-over Clay Aiken as he appeared in AI's finale. From a distance. From a very very long distance. LOL. Nice blog you have ere!
Arena Green, at May 26, 2006 4:50 PM
You did all this for a roast duck? I find that hard to believe :p Hehe there must've been a desire to blog all along otherwise you wouldn't have stuck it through till the end.
Anyway, you guys are the best bloggers ever. My personal favourite topic was the one with new and improved toilet sign. The piss and poo sign.
Wish you guys the very best for your futures and keep smiling :)
Anonymous, at May 26, 2006 5:39 PM
yes nicholas... believe it or not... it was all for duck.. read the description on the right side of the blog :P
the duck is that good
Boss Stewie, at May 26, 2006 6:28 PM
Clay AIKEN is in NO WAY similar to them *no offence stewie, lepton*, but clay aiken's hotness is not to be mistaken :P
DO CONTINUE BLOGGING for the benefit of both of you and all of us :)
Nie, at May 26, 2006 7:51 PM
MOU!!!!u want close shop and dun miss us commenters also, how 2 give u LENGZ?
btw, boss stewie, dun shake legs yet, go walk around UK and find sumthing funny 2 blog becoz as long as game not over, boss lepton still have every chance 2 win!!!!!
Anonymous, at May 26, 2006 8:36 PM
this is a trick, a trick to boost the traffic...I know one.Wuahahah...!
Kenny Lee, at May 26, 2006 10:58 PM
NNNOOO!!!!! dun go !!!!
Wingz, at May 26, 2006 11:26 PM
haha no kenny... read the description that has always been there... we were supposed to end at june from the start
Boss Stewie, at May 26, 2006 11:48 PM
hey, it was darn good blog I'd say.... and sad to hear ur stopping the blog by June 1st....
Reminds me of Densha Otoko (Train man). A happy and sad ending where a subject had to be closed down after 1000th post...
Try watch it at Youtube.... about a guy like me (you know me Boss Stewie and Boss Lepton) who is an Anime freak falling in love with a rich, beautiful lady (which is impossible for an anime freak).
Densha Otoko - based on a true story
Anonymous, at May 27, 2006 12:21 AM
lol wooots 1 more paper to go after 3 papers in a row, damn freaking tired
will be updating soon
WAHAHAHAHA keep checking back o...
Wilson J Q Quah, at May 27, 2006 12:29 AM
hello :P
Anonymous, at May 27, 2006 12:50 AM
hello to u too alina :P
Boss Stewie, at May 27, 2006 1:20 AM
shall check it out saiful
Boss Stewie, at May 27, 2006 1:22 AM
just got started to read this blog a week ago during my exam period. i like most of the entries u guys posted and i really enjoy reading the comments. u guys should keep on posting, reconsider abt it~ at least it helps me to destress after reading this blog. =)
and all the best in exams for ppl our there.
Anonymous, at May 27, 2006 1:41 AM
ehhhh don laaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa.....
hahahaha i wanna read some more la shit...this blog is actually damn good la bosses hahah :P
basket boss stewie, u asked me to post replies more often so u know im around...then u suddenly wanna close down...i mean even tho i know that the blog ends in june '06 plus its like been a gazillion times that uv said the blogs goin to close after u get ur duck...STILL!
oh btw, leng for the last post as well haha :P
Anonymous, at May 27, 2006 2:21 AM
NO cannot close .
if you stop updating leng mou,how on earth my housemate is going to laugh ??????Dont be so selfish la.Must think of others also ma.
Anonymous, at May 27, 2006 3:47 AM
hahahaha ok jason
Boss Stewie, at May 27, 2006 7:56 AM
sorry ler yothemans...
andrew.. dun lar..
ok lar oklar.. let us think about it
Boss Stewie, at May 27, 2006 7:56 AM
:P eh jason & stewie while you're at it, send some ice cream to ss2 for me. MWAHAHHA..
its been long since i ate lecka lecka.
wont be gettin any ice cream soon.
mom & dad just had another scary fight. :/
I feel unloved. *Sigh*
Where's the icecream when i need it?
Nie, at May 27, 2006 4:51 PM
aww blueyy
just make a trip to 1-utama
Boss Stewie, at May 27, 2006 8:14 PM
should have gotten some yesterday.
didnt pass an ice cream booth at alll :(
ill have some good-but-still-not-classic walls ice cream from the sundry shop then . sigh.
cornetto. ugh.
Nie, at May 27, 2006 9:58 PM
no no no
never replace lecka lecka with cornetto
Boss Stewie, at May 27, 2006 10:27 PM
erm. why are u guys gonna stop blogging? i was just starting to hv a good time reading ur blog. darn. or izzit just a gimmick to increase hits?? lol
Anonymous, at May 27, 2006 11:03 PM
sigh coz i failed miseably to make my boss laugh la
so depressed
Wilson J Q Quah, at May 28, 2006 9:58 AM
argghhh... y do u have to stop? it was so fun to read what u write and see wat kind of fun you can make frm your daily life.
*cry a river* :P
ハヤシホシ, at May 28, 2006 5:19 PM
no abe.. the blog has always been meant to stop at june 2006.
aiyoo sorry lerr jap guy.. dun cry
Boss Stewie, at May 28, 2006 5:52 PM
no.................................. wat a tease ..... get ppl hooked on ur blog ..then ciao .... potong stim lar
Anonymous, at May 29, 2006 1:22 AM
since it's about the roast duck, then make the roast duck my treat la.. u both have your piece of roast duck courtesy of me and i still continue the daily dosage of humour, amacam? deal?
Anonymous, at May 29, 2006 9:56 PM
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