and of course, Paris Disneyland!
We're all packed.
Even my little "Saya Anak Malaysia" t-shirt that a friend bought for me once is coming along for the trip. I like going to foreign countries wearing my T-Shirt with the Malaysian flag on it telling everyone that I am Malaysian!
When travelling, some people prefer to look less touristy... but Boss Stewie loves to look as touristy as he can!
If I had my way... I would wear a hat, sling a camera around my neck and carry a huge bottle of water just like this.
And I take pride in standing in the middle of a road junction holding a huge map trying to figure out where the fuk I am.
Of course... my baby disagrees! She wasn't happy that I decided to bring my little T-shirt, saying that it is more than 4 years old and is as baggy as Mc Hammer's pants.
BUT... I'm still gonna quietly sneak it in our bag, and though it may not particularly suit my way of dressing... I'll find a way to make it look REAL GOOD along with my pair of Topman blagger jeans, because I am a proud prouddddd Malaysian!
So the question is... how do I get this
into thatwithout my girlfriend knowing... HMMmmm....
Anyway, in these few days that I'll be gone for... Boss Lepton would have finished his exams and is probably going to make a post or two. I've seen the title of one of them in the making... and it looks very very interesting...
See you guys!
HAha.. Make sure no one asked you "Do you speak Osama?" LOL!
Eh, isnt it a bad time to go as there has been some riots going on in Paris??!
Min L. Fu, at March 08, 2006 4:01 AM
hehehe well.. err not riots yet.. just peaceful protests
Boss Stewie, at March 08, 2006 5:03 AM
Try flipping the shirt inside-out before you pack it in the luggage.
Anonymous, at March 08, 2006 9:34 AM
got it neco
haha! ok
time to leave for Paris now.. buhbye all
Boss Stewie, at March 08, 2006 11:15 AM
Have fun in Paris. Make sure the photos yeah! And I so like you, being proud of being a Malaysian. ;-)
Jason Lioh, at March 08, 2006 11:41 AM
Paris! w00t!
If you managed to get into the Louvre, please take picture of Mona Lisa if they allowed it.
Nothing like national pride. Wear a shirt that shows you a Malaysian everytime you go oversea, peeps!
Anonymous, at March 08, 2006 1:24 PM
Hmmmmm i think you should just wear the T-shirt under a sweater or pack it between your underwear.
Anonymous, at March 08, 2006 2:37 PM
That's SO sweet! I wish my boyfriend would go to The States with me.. =~~( damnit...
chocolat-latte', at March 08, 2006 3:47 PM
chapree da grande: The Mona Lisa is way overrated. It's the size of an A4. It looks better in a magazine. The real thing is quite a disappointment.
Anonymous, at March 08, 2006 5:17 PM
wow. Paris wor..
the city of romance!
Cheng Sim, at March 08, 2006 6:42 PM
be prepared to line up boss stewie. my mate went there and spent most of his time lining up just to get in museums and stuff.
yuin, at March 08, 2006 7:41 PM
Paris???? Never been to...
こうゆうけん, at March 09, 2006 12:15 AM
I've been in london for a year and a half, and I still haven't been to Paris.
*fei chang envious.
angelicgirl98, at March 09, 2006 6:13 AM
eh? paris?
whatever la......
All i can remember about the lourve is milo de venus and mona lisa, nothing else. And all the tourists go to the lourve just for mona lisa...... that's quite sad right???
Wilson J Q Quah, at March 09, 2006 8:41 AM
Boss Lepton,
Where is your post man?!?!?! You working hard to get ready to spend roast duck is it?
Min L. Fu, at March 11, 2006 7:59 AM
bunny's right.. mona lisa is extremely overrated...
Boss Stewie, at March 12, 2006 7:36 AM
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