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  • Monday, April 10, 2006

    The Library

    The last exam I will ever have in my student life starts on the 2nd of May 2006.

    Which means, as you can imagine... right now I spent most of my day in this dreaded place they call a library.Fortunately I'm not the only one in the university that studies.

    A bunch of my friends and I make the daily trips to the library which makes things slightly more exciting... and also opens up the possibility of... fooling around.

    But I promise you that if you were to walk into the library on an average day to look for me, you would most likely see my friends and I studying hard like this (Boss Stewie is the one wearing the cap)
    But no matter how badly we try to entertain ourselves and fool around...

    The library is just such an immensely boring place that we just can't help but fall asleep sometimes.
    But of course, in every study group there is the very studious member who never loses concentration and almost never even takes a toilet break.

    And in this group, it has got to be none other than Alina

    That's right, a Petronas scholarship student who never seems to stop studying. I guess we should blame people like that who put more pressure on us.

    Of course... many many hours in the library every day does things to people... and its no different for Alina...

    Even she loses her mind sometimes...(Alina is single and in HIGH demand by the many many men that just won't stop chasing her so if you're cocky and confident enough of yourself, call 1-800-ALINA-PLEASE-MARRY-ME*)

    and if that line is engaged.. try this number

    *local call charges may apply


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